Jersey: A message body writer for Java Class and MIME mediatype application/json was not found
2019. 8. 1. 14:22
Jersey: A message body writer for Java Class and MIME mediatype application/json was not found
Jersey: A message body writer for Java Class and MIME mediatype application/json was not found
after trying to figure out what's my problem I finally decided to ask you how to solve my problem. I've seen different people with the same problem and I tried all the things they were adviced to d...
jersey 쓰는 중 다른사람 프로젝트에서 사용하려하니 에러가 났다. 코드가 거의 똑같애서 찾는데 좀 걸렸음.
문제는 gradle library import 문제
com.fasterxml.jackson.core 이거 import하고 에러안남